
Leading Through Uncertainty: 5 Strategies for Digital Transformation Leaders
Dr. Agus Setiawan

PhD Holder and result-oriented Director with 25 years experience with involvement in all levels of Business Strategy, Sales and Marketing, Managing Project and Product Development. Aside of managing a company, he is also the best corporate trainer and public speaker in seminar and conference.

Leading Through Uncertainty: 5 Strategies for Digital Transformation Leaders

Digital transformation requires leaders who possess a unique set of traits to drive digital transformation and ensuring the success of digital initiatives. Leaders who are able to create a culture of innovation, drive collaboration across departments, and navigate uncertainty and risk effectively can leaders can position their organizations for success in the digital transformation era.

Digital transformation can be a complex and challenging process, and leaders must be resilient and able to overcome obstacles and setbacks. Leaders must be able to navigate uncertainty and manage risk effectively. In their article "The Digital Transformation Playbook: Rethink Your Business for the Digital Age," David Rogers emphasizes the importance of resilience in digital transformation. He argues that leaders who are resilient can stay focused on their vision and adapt to changing market conditions, ensuring the success of digital initiatives.

The digital transformation era has brought about numerous changes in the workplace, including the need for professional growth and development. As organizations adopt new technologies and business models, leaders must play a crucial role in driving professional growth among their employees.

Leadership is a crucial aspect of digital transformation, and leaders in this era must possess certain traits to be successful. The rapid changes in technology and the emergence of new digital trends require leaders who are agile, innovative, and adaptable

Here are 5 leadership traits that should imposed to win today’s competition:

  • Develop a culture of continuous learning and development.

    According to a study by McKinsey & Company, leaders who prioritize learning and development create a more engaged and motivated workforce, which leads to better business outcomes (Bjork, 2019). Leaders who encourage their employees to acquire new skills and knowledge are more likely to see an improvement in productivity, innovation, and overall performance. This is because employees who feel supported and invested in are more likely to be proactive in seeking opportunities to grow and develop.

    Leaders must be able to build strong relationships with stakeholders, including customers, partners, and suppliers. In their article "Digital Transformation Requires Leadership, Collaboration, and New Ways of Working," Brad Power and David Kiron highlight the importance of collaboration in digital transformation. They argue that leaders who are collaborative can create a culture of innovation and drive digital transformation across the organization.

  • Provides clear goals for professional growth.

    A study by Deloitte found that employees who understand their career goals and how to achieve them are more likely to be engaged and motivated at work (Bersin, 2018). Leaders who take the time to establish clear goals and provide the necessary resources and support to achieve them are more likely to see their employees grow and develop professionally.

    Leaders must be able to articulate this vision to their teams and stakeholders and inspire them to work towards a common goal. In their book "Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business Transformation," George Westerman, Didier Bonnet, and Andrew McAfee emphasize the importance of vision in digital transformation. They argue that a clear vision is critical to aligning the efforts of all stakeholders towards a common goal and ensuring that digital initiatives are successful.

  • Provides opportunity for growth

    Effective leadership provides opportunities for employees to apply their skills and knowledge. According to a study by Gallup, employees who have the opportunity to apply their strengths at work are more engaged and productive (Harter, 2020). Leaders who provide opportunities for their employees to apply their skills and knowledge in new and challenging projects are more likely to see them grow and develop professionally. This also helps employees stay motivated and engaged in their work.

    To provide a productive environment for growth, leaders also should be able to quickly adapt to changes and pivot their strategies when necessary. In their article "Leadership and Digital Transformation," Alexander Kaiser, Markus Bick, and Ann-Kristin Achleitner highlight the importance of agility in digital transformation. They argue that leaders who are agile can respond to changes in the market and seize new opportunities, giving their organizations a competitive advantage.

  • Provides feedback and coaching

    A study by Gartner shows that employees who receive feedback and coaching from their leaders are more likely to develop their skills and knowledge (Gartner, 2019). Leaders who take the time to provide feedback and coaching to their employees help them identify areas for improvement and develop new skills. This is particularly important in the digital transformation era, where employees may need to learn new technologies or adapt to new ways of working.

  • Leads by example

    Effective leadership leads by example. A study by Harvard Business Review found that leaders who model the behavior they expect from their employees are more likely to see positive results (HBR, 2019). Leaders who demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning and development themselves are more likely to inspire their employees to do the same. This creates a culture of learning and development that drives professional growth and development.

    Leaders in the digital transformation era must be willing to experiment with new technologies and business models to drive innovation and create value for their organizations. In their book "The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail," Clayton Christensen and Michael Raynor argue that leaders who are innovative can create disruptive technologies and business models that can transform industries.

Effective leadership plays a critical role in driving professional growth in the digital transformation era. Leaders who foster a culture of continuous learning and development, provide clear and attainable goals, provide opportunities for employees to apply their skills and knowledge, provide feedback and coaching, and lead by example are more likely to see their employees grow and develop professionally. This not only benefits individual employees but also drives better business outcomes and helps organizations stay competitive in a rapidly changing business environment.

Kaiser, A., Bick, M., & Achleitner, A. K. (2018). Leadership and Digital Transformation. Journal of Business Research, 89, 374-377.
Bersin, J. (2018). Performance Management in the Digital Age. Deloitte.
Bjork, L. (2019). Why Leaders Should Make Time for Learning. McKinsey & Company
Gartner. (2019). Why Employee Development Programs Fail. Gartner.
Harter, J. (2020). The Power of Strengths-Based Development in the Workplace. Gallup.
Harvard Business Review. (2019). Why Leadership Development Programs Fail. Harvard Business Review.

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